
Volunteers are a priceless resource and contribute significantly to the needs of the Centre for Equality and the people we work with.

Centre for Equality Volunteers are actively involved in some of our core services for people, and often donate valuable group and one-on-one coaching and support. 

Volunteers help disengaged or marginalised people gain important skills in areas such as:

  • language, literacy and numeracy,
  • communications and confidence building,
  • employment preparation and networking,
  • connecting young people to sport (through Youth on the Move Cadets)

We also engage Volunteers to support in administration areas and to provide strategic advice in our focus areas.  

We welcome Volunteers from diverse backgrounds and encourage people who feel that they have something positive to contribute, irrespective of the contribution time.

If you are interested in becoming a Centre for Equality Volunteer, please contact Marie Chittleborough on 0487 875 000.

